June 29, 2009

Cousins, cousins every where

Samuel and Andy hanging out in their highchairs.
Siena and Mariah... what cuties.

Mike's First Father's Day

Four Generations! WOW!!!

June 7, 2009

Our new venture

After 9 months of being out of work, Mike has finally found his calling. Along with a couple in Southlake, Mike and I purchased a retail business in Southlake on June 1. It is called Kelley Athletic Company. They specialize in Baseball, Softball and Fast Pitch equipment... bats, gloves, uniforms, etc. They also sell uniforms for other sports. The store is located next to Central Market. Mike is the General Manager of the store and is loving it so far. Not only will he be in the store but a lot of our weekends will be spent at baseball tournaments throughout Tarrant County. The story of how this came to be is one that left us thinking that it was our destiny to do this. It will be a lot of work to begin with but we know the return will be worth the work. So....if you are in need of anything, please let us know and feel free to stop by the store any time and say hi.

Milestones- June 7

Today marks Samuel's 7 month birthday, first time in a highchair and first time to eat solid food. He's sporting his Kelley baseball hat of course.
He had a great time banging his hands on the tray and playing with his toys. He was also enjoying a short break from his helmet, which he will hopefully get to stop wearing this Thursday. YEAH!
Samuel wasn't too sure about the oatmeal cereal at first but after a few spoonfuls he figured it out.
What a precious boy!

Samuel with his Bobby.


Samuel is really trying hard to sit up. He stays up for about 5 seconds so far. He weighed in at 18.3 pounds at his 6 month checkup. That's 6x his birth weight. He's our chunky monkey.
Mike likes to document the time they spend together.. watching baseball in the recliner while I'm gone of course. Then, when I download the pics to post to the blog I can see what they've been up to. Funny there are a lot of pics likes this. Nice dad!
Samuel really loves Raven. He watches her every where she goes and smiles at her all the time. Of course, she insists on licking his hands. YUCK!