August 18, 2009

Houston or Bust... Welshs and Tellings Hit the Road

Mike, Emily and myself drove to Houston with all three kids for the weekend to catch up with family and friends. The kids had a great time and we were all exhausted by the time we got back. We piled into Emily's car which had 3 rows of seats. Mike drove and Emily and I switched off riding in the far back. Kids in the middle. Every inch of the car was full.... plus the roof. We looked like the Beverly Hillbillies but it was great fun.
On the way down the boys took turns sleeping off and on. One would sleep and the other would be awake babbling and playing. Siena napped while the other 2 were awake. Figures we wouldn't get them to all sleep at the same time. Andy cuddled with Emily's sweater on the way down... and back. ;)
Coming back the boys and Siena all slept for 2 hours... AT THE SAME TIME.. .WAHOOOO...oh yeah, and the mommies!!!! It was hard work keeping up with the kiddos.
Samuel wondering if he'll ever get out of his car seat.
Andy eating one of Siena's babies... priceless.
Siena helped me feed Samuel during our trip. She only gagged him a couple tmes. haha Poor Samuel.
Our friends Pete and Veronica drove up from Beaumont with their two boys, Jude and Samuel.
Siena and her two favorite boys...wearing matching Astronaut shirts. Thanks Aunty Emily.
Samuel M. got in the action too but brother Jude was too shy to get his picture taken.

First Time to Go Swimming

Ready for the pool. My friend from high school, Kim, bought Samuel his swimming outfit.

How cute!

His belly was busting out of his swimshirt but he didn't seem to mind.

Samuel loved being in the water. I even dunked him under the water and he didn't cry at all.

Emily, Siena, Andy, Me, Mike, Samuel, Pete and Jude

Visiting Family in Houston

Samuel with Uncle Sam. Siena calls them Baby Ham and Uncle Ham. Too Cute!!
A rare moment... Samuel fell alseep even though there was a lot of talking going on. It must be his cozy Uncle Sam.
Grammy with Siena and Baby Lily, 2 months old.
Cousin Crystal with her new daughter, Lily.

Good Times with Samuel

I think it is so cute when babies start to sleep with their bums in the air. Looks like someones wanting to crawl.
My sister, Monica, had a play mirror like this for Mariah so I asked her to get me one for Samuel. He loves looking at himself in the mirror. He talks to himself and smiles at himself a lot.
Samuel's first fun bandaid. At his 9 month check up he got his finger pricked to see if he was anemic. He didn't even flinch. What a big boy! He's 21.2 lbs and 28 inches long.
He prefers to drink out of a real cup, my cup to be exact, but we give him a sippy cup to play with for now.
Samuel loves his bathtime. Seriously, what a doll!
Samuel likes his bath books. Thanks Lulu!
Playing on his favorite blanket from Grandma Joan.

August 17, 2009


No.... literally.. I am a GREAT AUNT and so are my sisters but back to me.....I'M A GREAT AUNT!!!! My niece, Brandie, had a baby girl today. Actually almost 3 hours ago. She was 6 lbs 11oz, 20 inches long.
Congrats Brandie and Dee on your beautiful baby girl. Love you!!! Averie Elizabeth Deegan
Proud Papa Dee

August 12, 2009

Big News!!

Samuel is cutting his first tooth. On Sunday I noticed a little white bump on the surface of his bottom gums. He's been drooling more than usual lately so I thought something was up and seeing that tooth trying to poke through confirmed what I had thought.... my baby boy is turning into a big boy.
Yes, I admit I had a little cry. I just can't believe it's happening. Yesterday, 8/11, his tooth broke through the skin and you can feel the ridges of the top of his soon to be tooth. He was especially fussy and I imagine that was the problem. Poor Monica. She was watching him that day and I'm sure he was a handful.
When there is enough tooth to actually see without having to pull his lip down I'll post a picture. Bye for now.