PUTTING HIS FINGERS IN HIS MOUTH! Actually, putting anything in his mouth will do. And looking like Super Baby while doing it. Somehow his bib always ends up doubling as a cape.
He probably thinks we think it's the dogs doing it.
We keep his pacifier in so he doesn't eat the paper.. which he loves to do. In fact, he ate the corner of my grocery list just yesterday. ooppss Paper counts as fiber right???!!!
PLAYING WITH HOUSEHOLD OBJECTS!For example.. this Tupperware container. It's not really a toy and it's cheaper than his actual toys. Isn't that always the case.
Pulling the bumper down in his crib, throwing his pacifier out and then (usually) crying b/c his pacifier is on the floor. In this picture, he was happy b/c Raven was in the room. We put the bumper up b/c he rolls around so much at night that he bangs his head on the crib rails, plus we were trying to make an attempt to cage the pacifier in.. obviously he figured out a way around this.
PLAYING IN THE LAUNDRY BASKET!Again...better than an actual toy and cheaper too. Of course, the real fun is watching his mama (and Auntie Monica) get out of breath from pushing him around the house.