January 21, 2010

Houston..... We have a problem!!!!

While Mike went to get his 1 1/2 hour massage (yes you read that correctly.. 1 1/2 hours), Samuel was quite the adventurer. We were reading books on the floor when something on top of the table near us caught his eye. So, he decided to go check it out! Right there in front of me he proceeded to climb on top of his basket of books and stand up like he'd done it a dozen times. He was reaching for the lamp that hangs above the table. Holy Cow!!!! Being the good parent I am.. I grabbed the camera (that was nearby) took a picture and THEN pulled him down. haha My mom always says "He's ALL boy!!!" And boy is she RIGHT!

Playing with anything and everything

Not sure what he was doing exactly but he kept bending over his books.. like he was crawling on and off it.
Samuel's hiding spot for the remote. Shhh.. don't tell daddy!
Normally, he has pants on but the overalls he had on wouldn't stay snapped plus he made a mess of them during dinner. I forsee that he will have the Hutchins' thunder thighs.. sorry buddy!
Samuel loves his toy car garage from his Aunty Desiree & Uncle Ron. He's always pushing some toy down the spiral ramp.

Fun with toys from Lulu! He likes to bang them on everything and to try and crawl on the tile floor with them. He also trys to pull himself up on things while he has both of them in his hands. Not a good idea little man.

Crazy Mariah

What a little character!!! Mariah and Monica watched Samuel for us so we could attend my work event and they also stayed the night. Mariah was so wound up; she was being so silly and making me crack up. She's stuffing her poor stuffed rabbit in her pants in these pictures.

In this picture she is acting like a mama kangaroo with a baby in her pouch. Where does she come up with this stuff??!! Oh yeah.. I forgot.... her mom and Aunt Desiree are total hams too.
She finally sat still long enough to get a quick picture taking with Jackson.

Just a Swinging

We took Samuel and the dogs for a walk up to an elementary near our house so Samuel could swing. He loves swinging as you can see.

Jackson asleep on his throne. He was pretty tired after our walk.

Big Boy

Since the weather has been nice we've been leaving the front door open with the baby gate up to keep Samuel from wandering the neighborhood.
He loves opening and closing doors..... I mean obsessively loves opening and closing doors. I wonder what this will eventually lead to.. hmmmm

Showing off his strong muscles.
His shirt says Big & Strong Just like Mommy.. I mean Daddy. ;)
Samuel loves to look at books and to have us read to him.
Samuel claps for everything now. When you tell him to wave bye-bye he claps. haha I guess he's glad to see whomever is leaving...leave. ;)

January 7, 2010


I think Des has made this "chubby" face so many times that her face is starting to stay that way. haha Happy Birthday #35! Des and I are the same age for exactly one month. CRAZY! Samuel is 14 months old today and I can't imagine having a 3 month old on top of that! What were you thinking mom! ;)
Not really digging the party hat.

As you can see, Des has Mariah doing the "chubby" face as well. They are a hoot when they are together. Two Peas in a Pod!
Samuel cheering at Des's basketball game. Since clapping is new to him he really loved all the clapping he got to do at the game. He did a lot of yelling too.
Morning Samuel! The beginning of him being sick. He's had a high fever, terrible cough and super stuffy nose for the past 4 days. Needless to say, no one is getting any sleep.