February 9, 2011

Goggles Make Everything Taste Better

Samuel cracks us up on a daily basis and today was like any other day. He decided he wanted to wear his construction goggles while eating his breakfast today. It was hilarious. What a wonderful personality he has! Always smiling, always laughing.. unless he can't watch CARS 10 times in a row then he throws a fit. ;)
This video is hilarious!!!

Painting With A Twist

For my birthday, Mike signed us up for a painting class in Grapevine. You can choose what night you want to go based on the painting they are going to teach how to paint. The TWIST is that you can bring your own adult beverages (or boring beverages in my case) and snacks and enjoy them while you are learning how to paint. It was really cool. There was only one other couple there besides us and they were celebrating the husband's birthday. I highly recommend getting your friends together and doing this. It was a lot of fun!!

It was interesting to see how different our interpretations were from eachothers and from the original. Mike did a great job on his sidewalk and grassy area. He had more patience than I did. He's the perfectionist and I get frustrated because I'm not good at something right away. We plan on going again!

More Snow!

 Samuel standing on what will be the bottom of our snowman.
Welsh 2011 Snowman. Samuel kicked part of the snowman down and he talkes about it every day now. He says "Kick Daddy's Snowman" and then he starts laughing.
Mike was throwing the tennis ball on top of the roof and the dogs were waiting to catch it as it rolled down. Samuel thought this was hilarious.

February 5, 2011

Our first look at Baby Owen

Today I surprised Mike with a 3D Sonogram of our growing bambino. We have decided to name him Owen Anderson. Owen is my brother Hugh's middle name and also the name of one of my Grandfather's brothers on my mom's side. Anderson is Mike's middle name and his mom's maiden name. Since Samuel has a family name we wanted to continue that tradition with our next one.

Sanuel was really cute. he kept saying "Baby Owen, Baby Owen." It was really neat to see what Owen is going to look like. I know it might seem like cheating but we thought it would be a neat opportunity and keepsake. He has bog cheeks and definitely a big foot (already). I should know he's been kicking me for weeks now. The lady doing the sonogram confirmed what I already could feel. He is head down with his bottom near my belly button and his feet are right up under my boobs near my ribs. It was an awesome experience that we got to share with Samuel, Granddad, Grandma Joan, Lulu, Grandpa Guy, Monica, Mariah and Hugh.

February 4, 2011

Yeah for SNOW!

I can't believe it snowed again this February. Samuel doesn't remember but it snowed last year in February as well. We ran around the backyard with the dogs and Samuel climbed and jumped on everything. He was literally all over the place. When he finally realized he could eat the snow it was hard to get him to stop. haha  He kept saying "I eat snow. Mama eat snow. Daddy eat snow." Too cute.

 What a happy, happy boy!

 Ready to go outside.

 Family Footprints. Mama, Samuel and Daddy.

We brought some snow inside for Samuel to eat as "ice cream." I added some juice for flavor and he really enjoyed it.

Happy Birthday Mama

Despite the weather I had a really lovely birthday. Monica and Mariah went to dinner with us and we spent the evening with my mom, dad and my brother, Hugh.

Day One of Winter Lock Down

 February 1st brought an unusual change in the weather for us. It was the beginning of four days of ice and snow. We bought Samuel some Cars pajamas the night before and he ended up staying in them for two days. ;)  Even though we weren't able to leave the house for several days we had a really great time with Samuel. Lots of playing legos, reading books and of course watching Cars and Toy Story 2. It was nice to not have to to worry about being anywhere and just enjoy our time together. He is such a precious little boy and amazes us every day.
 Samuel cozy watching Cars!
 Samuel loves his shopping cart. He likes to load it up with lots of toys and of course his baby doll.
 Samuel being a silly goose.
Samuel spent a lot of time in his tent he got for Christmas. Raven even joined him for a while. At one point, we were all in the tent. Not for long though.

Visit with Bobby, Jan 30.

 Whenever we go visit Bobby we take her for a little stroll around the nursing home. Samuel loves to sit on her lap and lately he's been laying his head back on her shoulder. So sweet.
 Enjoying the nice weather outside with Bobby.
 We found a ladybug while we were outside. Poor thing almost got squished by Samuel.
Hanging out in one of Bobby and Poppy's famous green chairs.

Fossil Rim Here We Come, Jan 30.

 Getting ready to leave for Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose.
It's an hour and a half drive to Glen Rose and Samuel was getting restless the last 20 minutes so we put in Toy Story 2. His current obsession. This was the first time he'd really watched a movie in the car so he thought this was pretty cool. Mike reminded me that it would be a lot easier if we had a minivan with a DVD player. I reminded him that he can get a minivan and I'll drive the truck. I'm not ready to be a Minivan Mom yet.
 Samuel hanging out in the backseat of the truck without his carseat. fun, fun

 Samuel got to brush some goats in the Children's Center at Fossil Rim. They had several goats walking around that you could pet.
 Halfway through the drive you can stop and have lunch. It was a perfect day to have a picnic.

Samuel and I both fed the giraffe by hand. It was really neat. They are very gentle and didn't just grab the food and take off. Mike was too scared. ;) The funniest was his reaction to the Ostriches. He didn't care for them too much and would put up his window real fast. After he let out a little scream first. hahaha We got that on video and Samuel loves to watch it over and over. He laughs real loud and says many words but the only one we can make out is Ostrich. Too, too cute!

 Samuel and Mama enjoying having daddy drive us around Fossil Rim. My baby looks like such a bog boy.
Ready for a nap. We were finishing up the tour and Samuel kept asking for his "NeNe." As soon as we finished we put his carseat back in the car, got loaded in and left. He was alsleep about 30 seconds after that. Samuel loves his sleep.