February 17, 2010

Valentine's Day Haircut

The trip to get Samuel's first "real" haircut started off well. We took him to a place that's just for kids so they had lots of cool toys and things to distract him. I'm sure he was wondering what he had done to deserve to be in such a cool place. "Was it the dog food I ate or standing in the tub that got me such an awesome reward!"
Samuel got to sit in a cool firetruck to get his hair cut. As you can see, he was still calm at this point and thoughts of getting the worst torture imaginable hadn't crossed his mind... YET! He seemed a little suspicious that something not so fun was about to take place.Misery setting in.
Okay.. now that his hair is wet it's time to comb it and see just what a mess mama had made. As I said, this is his first "real" haircut. I couldn't stand watching the pathetic trim I had given him grow out any longer. If he could've run away at this point I think he would have.
Samuel's really starting to get upset at this point. He was trying to lean away from her but she kept combing and it was driving him nuts. I was trying to distract him with bubbles, the TV.. anything.. but nothign worked.
Now the ultimate torture has begun.. the cutting. He was so upset but there was no turning back now. I tried to distract him with his pacifier, Mardi Gras beads, food.. nothing worked. He was downright miserable but the torture.. I mean haircut.. continued. Samuel stopped crying for about 2 seconds when another stylist across from him started blow drying this little girl's hair. Typically, he likes the hairdryer. When I use it in the morning I always point it at him and he loves it. Of course, this time he hated it.
He's almost done and is 100% miserable and upset. He could see what was going on in the mirror so I'm sure that didn't help. Poor little guy.
The torture has come to an end and he is finally calming down. I'm sure he's thinking "What a lousy Valentine's Day gift!!!"

1 comment:

Ian said...

The narrarative is the best part ;-)