April 17, 2010

March for Babies 2010

Mike and I, and our friend Kim, participated in the March of Dimes March for Babies today. It was very fulfilling to be able to give back to such a worthy cause. Being parents of a preemie made this walk even more special and rewarding. Along the walk were pictures and details about preemies, some that are now much older and some that are now in heaven. It was very emotional for us remembering the 2 months that Samuel spent in the NICU.We made shirts for the event and this is the back of my shirt. Thank you to all of you that donated! We love you all.


Anonymous said...

I did this in my home town! It was so much fun!!! Go us! <3 :)

Green Tea said...

This is the first time i have ever read your blog but I'm glad you are feeling free.
I hope you stay free and remember that life is what you make it <3