August 9, 2011

The Organizer Strikes Again

 You may be wondering "Why does she keep posting these stupid pictures of Samuel's piles?" Well, I'm glad you asked. Mike and I find these very amusing and interesting because the items that he is grouping together are from all over the house. They are all his things but they are from different rooms in the house. This picture especially cracks me up because he's sitting at the end of the coffee table (with his Yellow items lined up) in his Big Bird chair.. which GUESS WHAT??? Happens to be YELLOW!

 Even the fridge isn't safe from being organized!!
 These piles are layingall  throughout the living room. They are like little landmines that you hate to mess with because you know he's worked so hard to create them. Even the dogs don't mess with them. They just lay in between them usually.

One morning I opened this cabinet to get something out and this is what I found. Too funny!

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