September 28, 2011


These Samuelisms happened a couple weeks ago but I just came across the paper I jotted them down on today.

My sweet Samuel is not potty trained yet but we will be tackling that once we are back from our trip to the beach.... So.....when Samuel has to poop he almost always goes behind the curtain in our living room.
"I like the rain. It's really good. I poop, Mama. I poop and watch the rain."

Oh, Samuel.. you are so funny!

We were making breakfast one morning and Samuel asked for a banana. The funniest series of thoughts came from Samuel from this simple question.
"I want a green one!
Got to the store and get a green one.
I go to grocery store. I love grocery store.
I love cookies. I love cake and cookies."

Samuel takes the banana and peels it.
"I love candy, too!
Candy at movie theater.
It's cold there. I need my blanket."

My precious!

September 16, 2011

Mr. Goggles

Samuel was looking through a photo album and found a picture of himself eating toast with these goggles on that was taken in January. He decided he wanted to reenact the picture so I made him toast and he ate it while wearing his goggles. Sometimes his imagination is so amazing.

1, 2,3... Ready, Set, Go

Samuel loves to eat outside and avoid getting his picture taken.
 Samuel loves to have his daddy push him on his swing. They play a game where Samuel covers his face with his hands (pretending that he's not really there) and Mike tries to get him to uncover his eyes by saying things like "There's a baby Ostrich in the yard. Or Ernie and Bert are playing with your toys." You can see Samuel smiling and peeking through his fingers. It's hilarious.

Samuelisms 9-14-11

Says my very observant, creative son to me while I am drinking chocolate milk for breakfast,
"Mama is there dirt in your milk."

While reading a story to Samuel about Big Bird and Sesame Street, Samuel said "What's that?"
Me: " Big Bird's tail."
Samuel: "Where's my tail?"