February 15, 2009

3 months old & almost 9lbs. Yeah

Bob- The Wedding Singer.
Our little Snow Puppy!
Samuel x 2

Chillin' in my baseball outfit.

(Half) Marathon Man

Sam with his running buddies Marty and Mike enjoying a cold beer after the race. On Feb. 7 they participated in the White Rock Lake Half Marathon. Amazing! What a better way to finish running 13 miles....with a beer. Chariots of Fire.....

Recovering after the race.
Supportive fans.. Trin and Aunt Em

Uncle Ant and Cousin Andy

February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Samuel with his old parents. haha 35 is tough people!
Me and my snappy new birthday hairdo. Do I look younger!?
Samuel's God Mommy got him this bunny outfit. How cute!
Look Aunty Desiree, I'm wearing my first basketball outfit.
Today I am 35! I can't believe how fast the past year has gone by and how different my life is now. Last year, we were in Galveston celebrating Mardi Gars and of course it was the Super Bowl. In one year I went from being just a wife to a wife and mother with lots of responsibility. WOW! My life couldn't be better okay I guess it could.. I could have naturally thin legs. Then it would be perfect! haha We always want more don't we. Mike and I are starting our diet tomorrow because we have definitely let ourselves "go." Being home with Samuel all day has left us sleeping and eating, playing with Samuel, some more sleeping, more eating. hahaha Sound familiar!

A day in the life of Samuel!

I love to play in my activity gym.
All clean!
Enough said! ;)
Samuel is a busy, busy boy these days. Sleeping, eating, bathing. Sleeping, eating, playing, Some more sleeping, more eating. What a life!