June 25, 2010

Father's Day 2010

Samuel woke Mike up with his Father's Day present
Mike loves traditions so I continued one I started last Father's Day.. a calendar with pictures of Samuel and the rest of the family. It's a lot of work but I really enjoy putting it together.

Samuel loves corn! We never eat it at home (not sure why I guess we just never think of it because it's not really a vegetable and has no nutritional value.. as far as I can tell) so Samuel has come to expect it when we go to Aunt Emily's house.
Go Samuel Go!
Seriously.. how cute is he. You better eat up son or your Aunty Desiree might steal your corn.
Siena was entertaining Samuel and he was really cracking up.
A little after dinner snack....yummy goldfish.
Andy and Samuel enjoying the water table at Aunt Emily and Uncle Antony's house.
Looks like Samuel's threatening to throw the ball at Andy and Andy is explaining the consequence of doing such. ;)

Hey Cuz!
The Boys... too cute.

Trip to San Antonio

Silly Samuel sitting in his folded up stroller
Averie trying to give kisses to Samuel
Our trip to San Antonio was for my oldest brother's wife's memorial, Rebecca. Although, it was a sad occasion it was nice to be with family and have all the grand kids and great granddaughter (Averie) together. This is the first time we were all in the same place.
Great Aunt Desiree with our Great Niece Averie
My niece Brandie with Samuel and her daughter, Averie
Second Cousins reunion

June 23, 2010

2nd Cousin Averie's Visit

I love this face! KISS ;)
I took this picture because it shows how long he has gotten. You don't notice things like this on a day-to-day basis but this day it caught my attention. Not bad little premie.
This is Samuel's 2nd Cousin Averie's stuffed dog. But of course, Samuel had to love on it.
ahhhhhhhh... hugs for Averie

Summer = Swimming, Baseball, & Popsicles

I love, love, love my pool.
We came home the next day and found the pool ripped to shreds in the backyard. Thanks a lot Raven! Of course, we haven't been able to find one like it again. $5 bucks down the drain. ;)
I love popsicles.. sugar free of course. ;)
Mama's favorite Ranger... and little boy
I imagine they are both waiting for a treat.

Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

Baby Bear
First train ride

Sweet baby elephant... bronzed of course.

Cool Crocodile
Giddy Up Mama
I can hear what you are thinking.. he's still taking a bottle. Well... just at night and that's going to end shortly. Telling a toddler they can't have something they want is not a fun ting to do. ;)
My cool new sun hat. Although, I think it looks like he's going fishing.

Dang I'm cute!

Hugs for Raven.
Poor Raven. Samuel thinks she's his own personal riding toy.

oooooohhhhhh water!

For me this blog is sorta doubling as Samuel's baby book which is why I feel the need to say something about every picture and post so many pictures. However, there are days when it can be very difficult to say something fun or positive.... you parents out there know what I am talking about. I usually work on this blog when Samuel is napping which is what he is supposed to be doing right now. Instead he is in his bed yelling for me to come in and give him his blanket and pacifier which have been thrown on the floor for the third time now. Sorry buddy. I have to draw the line somewhere. Sweet dreams. ;)

Visit to East Texas

Snuggling on their palet
Aunt Desiree with her White Oak fans

Enough with the pictures already
Samuel was dipping his green beans in the salsa and eating them. Strange. I love my Auntie Des!
Riley loved kissing Samuel and he thought it was pretty funny too. If his daddy had come on the visit he would be freaking out because of all the dog germs. Sorry daddy.
Uncle Ron reading me my favorite book.
Monica and Des always crack me up. Mariah was mad about something so they decided they were going to pout too. Samuel's looking at them like they have lost their minds.....which they have.
Samuel sandwich!
Girl you're too old to be doing stuff like that.. you might break a hip or something. ;)
Still being crazy and Samuel's caught in the middle.
Sisters Rock!
Mariah waiting for a bucket of water to fall on her at the waterpark.
This was Samuel's first time to be at a waterpark. He really loved it.