August 5, 2010

Waiting for Monica and Mariah to come to the door.
I love mama kisses!

Trip to White Oak

Samuel got to experience Canton for the first time. July is not exactly the best time of the year to go. 100 + degree weather is the pits. We tried to keep him cool with a wet washcloth.
Snuggling with his blanket
Samuel sitting in Uncle Ron's rocking chair that was his when he was little with both his pacis of course.

What a big boy he's becoming...too fast.
Car ride to Des's house. Blanket... check. Doggie...check. Pacifier...check. Now go to sleep!

August 4, 2010

Summer Fun

Samuel watching his baby videos
Seriously.. How funny is this picture? Blue Steele!
Samuel just can't decide which sunglasses he likes best
Show me your teeth! The video below cracks me up. Samuel is such a ham.

Trip to Houston

We drove to Houston to visit Aunts and Uncles and Grammy. It was a great trip. Samuel was soo good. We drove the entire way, 4 1/2 hours. Samuel slept for about an hour and didn't even try to get out of his car seat. He just played happily. Probably b/c he had Cheetohs and watermelon for lunch. haha I just kept telling Mike to keep going even though we were hungry and had to pee. The lengths we will go to to keep kids calm and happy.

Playing at Uncle Don and Aunt Lisa's place

Two pacis.. Life is Good
Breakfast outside
I asked Samuel to show me his teeth. haha

Hanging out with Hannah in her dog crate. Silly Samuel.
Samuel was almost comatose while Uncle Richard rubbed his head and ear.
Our visit with Grammy. She hadn't seen Samuel since August of 2009.
Sarah, Sam and Grammy
Sam and Sarah, she's "Special"

Samuel on the famous Christmas Cow located inside the famous Santa Penthouse

Sam with creepy boy reindeer
Sarah with creepy girl reindeer
Possible Welsh Christmas Card 2010???

Samuel during the drive to Houston. Talking to Elmo most likely.
Yummy Cheerios... wait are these the ones he had just tried to feed the dog. YUCK
Bubble Fun
Really Samuel.... That's Hannah's bed not yours.

Dude and Little's Birthday 7-9-10

Emily got these old baby rockers out to entertain the kids and they loved them.
Hard to imagine they were babies not long ago
Welsh Family Birthday Hat. Everyone has to wear it on their birthday and be humiliated. ;) It's a tradition!
Dude (Granddad/Big), Uncle Mike (Little) and the grandkids
Thanks for the South Carolina hats Uncle Mike.
Crazy Emily
Like mother, like daughter.

4th of July 2010

Still lovin' those beads
Cool tattoos! Ready for the parade at Lulu and Guys.
Let's get this party started.
Cousins on parade