April 23, 2009

Action Shots

Samuel can fall asleep anywhere. We are so lucky to have a baby that enjoys sleeping. He's sleeping up to 7 hours at a time at night which is wonderful. Although, Mike and I still wake up and check on him every couple hours... figures!
Spending time with Granddad.
He must be looking at something more interesting than his daddy who took this picture. Must be American Idol! We usually Tivo it and then watch it while we are feeding Samuel before bed. Whenever he hears the opening music he turns his head towards the TV and stares.
He was propped upright but has managed to end up sideways.

Samuel's First Easter

Mariah shared one of her easter eggs with Samuel who was content just eating his hand.
The Easter Bunny made an early stop at the nursing home to visit Bobby and Poppy and Samuel got his picture taken.
Samuel enjoys his carrier especially now that he can face outward and see everything going on.
Mariah and her Easter bonnet.

April 10, 2009

Working Out

Samuel Trying to Talk

Samuel 5 months old

I can't get enough of those cute cheeks. Samuel is doing great. He's discovered his hands and is constantly either hitting himself in the face or sucking on them. His neck is getting stronger and he's holding his head upright pretty well. Samuel is about 15 pounds and 23 inches long. He's come a long way. His legs are constantly moving also.. kicking everything in sight.
Don't I look so innocent.
Tummy Time is not his favorite but he is getting better at it. We are trying to do as much as we can because his head has flattened out some on the right side. It is pushing his ear and right side of his face forward slightly. A lot of it is from being in the NICU and being a preemie. Being born early meant more time on his back because he was to weak to move around on his own. Samuel is going to get fitted next week for a "helmet" as I call it but the medical name for it is DOC Band. He will have to wear it 23 hours a day for 4-6 weeks. It will help round out his head and move his ears to the right position. I think it will be harder on me than him. I love to rub his little head and kiss on it.
Samuel loves his big cousin Siena. It really is great to have cousins nearby to play with and enjoy.
Don't you wonder what they are dreaming about!